Hyman Berman with colleagues in India

Hyman Berman with colleagues in India

University of Minnesota historian Hyman Berman and colleagues in 1964 during Berman's first international teaching experience, at Osmania University in Hyderabad, India. CC BY-SA 3.0

Sheet music of a hymn often used for mission programs organized by the Carson Mennonite Brethren Church.

Hymnal sheet music

Sheet music of a hymn often used for mission programs organized by the Carson Mennonite Brethren Church.

Hymnal used at Westminster Chinese Sunday School in Minneapolis" stamped inside the cover. The hymn texts are in Chinese.

Hymnal used at Westminster Chinese Sunday School

Hymnal used at Westminster Chinese Sunday School in Minneapolis. The hymn texts are in Chinese.

Hypolite Dupuis House in use as the Sibley Tea House, ca. 1930

Hypolite Dupuis House in use as the Sibley Tea House, ca. 1930

Sibley Tea House (the Hypolite Dupuis House, 1357 Sibley Memorial Highway, Mendota), ca. 1930.

Hypolite Dupuis House, 2012

Hypolite Dupuis House, 2012

Hypolite Dupuis House, 1357 Sibley Memorial Highway, Mendota. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever, August 26, 2012. CC BY-SA 3.0.

Hypolite Dupuis House, 2021

Hypolite Dupuis House, 2021

Side view of Hypolite Dupuis House, June 12, 2021. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user McGhiever, August 11, 2017. CC BY-SA 4.0

A truss and gusset plate remnant (U10-U11W truss) recovered after the I-35 W Mississippi River Bridge collapse on August 1, 2007. This remnant is from the U10 and U11 truss nodes which were identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) as a likely initiation site for the bridge failure.

I-35W bridge (Bridge 9340) component

A truss and gusset plate remnant (U10-U11W truss) recovered after the I-35 W Mississippi River Bridge collapse on August 1, 2007. This remnant is from the U10 and U11 truss nodes which were identified by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) as a likely initiation site for the bridge failure.

View of the collapsed I-35W bridge (Bridge 9340) on August 1, 2007. Photograph by Heather Munro.

I-35W bridge after collapse

View of the collapsed I-35W bridge (Bridge 9340) on August 1, 2007. Photograph by Heather Munro.

Underside of the bridge showing the deck truss construction and gusset plates. Photo by Flickr user ibran. BY-NC-ND 2.0

I-35W bridge structure

Underside of the bridge showing the deck truss construction and gusset plates. Photo by Flickr user ibran. BY-NC-ND 2.0

Highway identification sign for Interstate 35W. The sign stood on Bridge 9340, which carried I-35W over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. The sign stood on the bridge at the time of its collapse on August 1, 2007. Its surface is heavily scratched, and this damage may be a direct result of the collapse.

I-35W shield sign from bridge 9340

Highway identification sign for Interstate 35W. The sign stood on Bridge 9340, which carried I-35W over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. The sign stood on the bridge at the time of its collapse on August 1, 2007. Its surface is heavily scratched, and this damage may be a direct result of the collapse.


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