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Origins of the Northwest School of Agriculture (NWSA), 1905–1940

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Black and white postcard picturing the dedication of Stephens Hall, with James J. Hill, in 1908.

Postcard picturing the dedication of Stephens Hall, with James J. Hill, in 1908.

By the late 1890s, bonanza farming had stopped bringing good incomes to large landowners. Immigrants who arrived in northwestern Minnesota learned quickly that the Red River Valley soil was some of the richest in the state. An experiment station was started in 1895 that led to the founding of a boarding high school to train young people to work on farms as farmers and homemakers.

In 1895, Superintendent Torger A. Hoverstad established the Northwest Experiment Station in the Crookston area. Great Northern Railroad baron James J. Hill donated 476.61 acres for the station’s use. In ten years, Hoverstad hoped, there would be a school in place nearby to teach young people how to work the soil.

Hoverstad’s plan proceeded on schedule, and thirty-one students attended the school’s first year of classes in 1905. Senator A. D. Stephens encouraged the Minnesota legislature to appropriate $15,000 for Crookston’s first school building, which offered space for classes, a library, an office, a dining hall, and a dormitory. The building was completed and opened as the Northwest School of Agriculture (NWSA).

In October 1908, Hill visited the NWSA campus to help dedicate Stephens Hall in honor of Senator Stephens and speak to local farmers. A year later, the first class (eight students) graduated, and that fall, 129 students enrolled.

Farming parents were actively involved with the NWSA during the winter months. In 1910, the school held its first Annual Farmer’s Week and Women’s Meetings and Red River Valley Winter Shows. Students featured their farm crops and presented exhibits in the newly constructed Kiehle building.

With each passing year, more students enrolled in the school, and the Minnesota legislature funded the construction of more NWSA buildings. By 1915, the Red River Valley Winter Shows attracted visitors with crops and livestock expositions. Leading farmers started forming associations dedicated to different kinds of products: Red River Valley dairy; crops and soils; northern Minnesota poultry; and Red River Valley livestock.

In 1918, the Minnesota legislature appropriated $10,000 for a concrete road between the NWSA campus and Crookston. Deep ruts in the muddy roads used at the time made it nearly impossible to travel from campus to the city, which was only two miles away.

After the turmoil of World War I, the year 1920 was a good one for the NWSA. First, a short-term course for women brought 200 participants to the NWSA campus in June for a week of study and recreation. In a significant shift, many farmers stopped using horsepower for tillage and invested their money in internal-combustion-engine tractors. In the same year, a University of Minnesota regent toured the campus to investigate road conditions, which continued to be poor. Eventually, the Minnesota legislature granted more funding for road improvement. It was not until August 1925 that paving of the campus roadway began by the company with the lowest bid: $2.12 per square yard.

In 1923, Superintendent Selvig wrote a play titled “Pageant of Prosperity” related to Red River Valley history and agriculture. It was presented on the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Red River Valley Dairyman’s Association. Two hundred people participated in the production at Crookston’s downtown Armory.

In 1926, NWSA enrollment for the fall term reached an all-time high: 228 students. That same year, however, Selvig was elected to the U.S. Congress. As a result, he resigned his position in 1927, and Austin A. Dowell became superintendent of NWSA in his stead.

The Great Depression affected farm families who had difficulty paying for NWSA room and board plus tuition. By 1936, the worst of the Depression may have been over for others in Minnesota, but it remained dire for those living in the Red River Valley. The first seven months of 1936 broke records for heat, cold, and drought. In January 1937, it was 51 degrees below zero; for 45 consecutive days, the temperature remained below zero.

Despite these economic hardships and extreme weather conditions, NWSA student enrollment broke records in 1936 with 384 students. By 1937, the Depression had ended for farmers after rainfall returned to normal. In 1939, the NWSA had the largest graduating class in its history: 115 students from its regular class and 62 from its advanced class.

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“A Great Event in History of Development of Agricultural Education.” Crookston Weekly Times, August 8, 1908.

“Agricultural Fair to Begin in Crookston October 21–22.” Crookston Weekly Times, October 2, 1909.

“Agriculture School New Buildings: Early Next Season Will See Two New Buildings under Construction.” Crookston Weekly Times, October 16, 1909.

“An A. C. for Crookston.” Crookston Weekly Times, February 6, 1904.

“Attendance at NWSA Up 20%.” Crookston Daily Timess, October 3, 1933.

“Delegation was Well Pleased—Not a Hitch in the Program.” Crookston Weekly Times, February 20, 1909.

“Discuss 1938 Soil Program: Five Counties Represented at Conference at Northwest School Today.” Crookston Daily Times, June 11, 1937.

“Expect NWSA Enrollment to Hit 475.” Crookston Daily Times, January 7, 1939.

“Fraud is Exposed: A Brazen Attempt on the Part of Vesterheimen to Deceive its Readers.” Crookston Weekly Times, May 6, 1905.

“Governor Eberhart’s Able Address Delivered Friday Afternoon.” Crookston Weekly Times, October 30, 1909.

“Great Northern Thanked for Land Donation to NWSA.” Crookston Daily Times, March 5, 1924.

“History Shows Stephens as Real Father of NWSA.” Crookston Weekly Times, September 3, 1910.

“Hoverstad Talks of Early Days of NWSA.” Crookston Daily Times, June 15, 1937.

“Is Endorsed Most Heartily: State Educational Assn. Commends Work of Crookston School of Agriculture.” Crookston Weekly Times, November 19, 1910.

“James J. Hill Delivered Masterly Address at Dedication of Hall.” Crookston Weekly Times, September 26, 1908.

“Misrepresents Crookston School—Hennepin Man Makes Mistake.” Crookston Weekly Times, February 13, 1909.

“Mr. Hill is Interviewed: In New York’s Talks about Nation’s Dependence upon the Farmer.” Crookston Weekly Times, March 6, 1909.

“New NWSA Dorm to be Named Stephens Hall.” Polk County Weekly Journal, October 3, 1907.

“NWSA Enrollment Increased by 53%.” Crookston Weekly Times, January 10, 1920.

“N.W. School 45 Years Old; To Observe Event: Anniversary Celebration is Slated for Saturday on Local Campus.” Crookston Daily Times, June 24, 1940.

“National Publicity for City.” Crookston Daily Times, June 2, 1949.

“Real History of How Crookston School of Agriculture was Secured by Sen. Stephens.” Crookston Weekly Times, September 3, 1910.

“School to Be Novel.” Crookston Weekly Times, April 22, 1905.

“Second Generation Students Returning to NWSA.” Crookston Daily Times, September 16, 1932.

“Selvig Honored for 17 Years of Service at NWSA.” Crookston Daily Times, March 18, 1927.

“Selvig: NWSA Developing Community Leaders.” Crookston Daily Times, July 29, 1925.

“Selvig Tells of Establishment of NWSA.” Crookston Daily Times, July 19, 1935.

“Senate Approves Crookston Items and Money Now Positively Assured: Citizens of City Should See that School is Filled.” Crookston Weekly Times, April 27, 1907.

“Sen. Stephens Took a Hand: Was Present at a Meeting when School of Agriculture was First Suggested.” Crookston Weekly Times, September 3, 1910.

“Stephens Invaluable Solon, Helped Found NWSA.” Crookston Daily Times, June 8, 1935.

Stymiest, Ruth Anne. Cycle–A Chronicle of the Northwest School of Agriculture and Experiment Station, 1895–1968. Crookston, MN: University of Minnesota Technical College, 1978.

“Supt. Selvig Sees Great Work at NWSA.” Crookston Weekly Times, July 23, 1910.

“The School of Agriculture: Place is One of the Busiest Spots in the State These Days.” Crookston Weekly Times, November 26, 1910.

“384 Enrolled, 4th Successive Record at NWSA.” Crookston Daily Times, January 14, 1930.

Working, Win V . “History of the Northwest.” Crookston Daily Times, July 17, 1935.

——— . “History of the Northwest.” Crookston Daily Times, July 19, 1935.

——— . “History of the Northwest.” Crookston Daily Times, July 20, 1935.

——— . “History of the Northwest.” Crookston Daily Times, July 22, 1935.

——— . “History of the Northwest.” Crookston Daily Times, July 23, 1935.

——— . “History of the Northwest.” Crookston Daily Times, July 24, 1935.

——— . “History of the Northwest.” Crookston Daily Times, July 25, 1935.

Related Images

Stephens Hall dedication ceremony with James J. Hill
Black and white postcard picturing the dedication of Stephens Hall, with James J. Hill, in 1908.
Black and white postcard picturing the dedication of Stephens Hall, with James J. Hill, in 1908.

Postcard picturing the dedication of Stephens Hall, with James J. Hill, in 1908.

Polk County Historical Society
Crops and soils parade on NWSA campus

Livestock walk through the mall area of the NWSA campus during the crops and soils parade, 1910.

Northwest Research and Outreach Center
Horses and wagons in front of a barn
Black and white photograph of teams of horses with equipment and drivers in front of a barn, 1910.
Black and white photograph of teams of horses with equipment and drivers in front of a barn, 1910.

Teams of horses with equipment and drivers in front of a barn, 1910.

Northwest Research and Outreach Center
Swathing grain
Black and white photograph of swathing equipment and grain being swathed by a team of four horses during the fall harvest, 1910.
Black and white photograph of swathing equipment and grain being swathed by a team of four horses during the fall harvest, 1910.

Swathing equipment and grain being swathed by a team of four horses during the fall harvest, 1910.

Northwest Research and Outreach Center
Boys’ shop class at NWSA
Black and white photograph of students during a NWSA shop class, 1910.
Black and white photograph of students during a NWSA shop class, 1910.

Students during a NWSA shop class, 1910. Boys learned blacksmithing, scale weighing, and welding skills in the class.

Polk County Historical Society
Class of 1912 “Song of Farewell” sheet music
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Front cover of sheet music for the NWSA class of 1912’s “Song of Farwell,” written by N. E. Schwartz.

Front cover of sheet music for the NWSA class of 1912’s “Song of Farwell,” written by N. E. Schwartz.

Polk County Historical Society
Toboggan slide built by students
Black and white photograph of a toboggan slide built at the NSWA by students, December 13, 1916. Printed in the school’s 1916 yearbook.
Black and white photograph of a toboggan slide built at the NSWA by students, December 13, 1916. Printed in the school’s 1916 yearbook.

Toboggan slide built at the NSWA by students, December 13, 1916. Printed in the school’s 1916 yearbook.

Polk County Historical Society
Corporals in military drill squad
Black and white photograph of corporals in military drill squad, 1918.
Black and white photograph of corporals in military drill squad, 1918.

Corporals in the Northwest School of Agriculture’s military drill squad. Top row, left to right: Corporals Isaacson, Nobben, Spokely, Saugen, Gibson, and Cawelti. Middle row: Bugler Mellum, Lieutenant Moses, Captain Bengston, Lieutenant Samuelson, and Sergeant Rubert. Bottom row: Guides Hallgren, Jones, and Lee; and Corporals Arneson and Warner, 1918.

Polk County Historical Society
Poster advertising the Red River Valley Farm Crops and Stock Show
Advertisement for the Red River Valley Farm Crops and Stock Show in downtown Crookston, February 11, 1918.
Advertisement for the Red River Valley Farm Crops and Stock Show in downtown Crookston, February 11, 1918.

Advertisement for the Red River Valley Farm Crops and Stock Show in downtown Crookston, February 11, 1918.

Polk County Historical Society
Chicken coops with chickens
Black and white photograph of chickens outside of their coops on the NWSA campus, 1920s.
Black and white photograph of chickens outside of their coops on the NWSA campus, 1920s.

Chickens outside of their coops on the NWSA campus, 1920s.

Northwest Research and Outreach Center
Livestock judging and butchering class
Black and white photograph of students plucking feathers from chickens during a class about how to judge and butcher livestock, 1920s.
Black and white photograph of students plucking feathers from chickens during a class about how to judge and butcher livestock, 1920s.

Students pluck feathers from chickens during a class about how to judge and butcher livestock, 1920s.

Polk County Historical Society
1920 Crookston Bread Club
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Black and white photograph of three girls in the Crookston Bread Club display baked goods and the recipes used to make them, 1920.

Three girls in the Crookston Bread Club display baked goods and the recipes used to make them, 1920.

Polk County Historical Society
Girls’ physical education class
Black and white photograph of girls in uniform performing calisthenics during a physical education class on the second floor of Kiehle Hall, 1927.
Black and white photograph of girls in uniform performing calisthenics during a physical education class on the second floor of Kiehle Hall, 1927.

Girls in uniform perform calisthenics during a physical education class on the second floor of Kiehle Hall, 1927. Classes also involved group games, folk dancing, and personal hygiene.

Polk County Historical Society
Flooded NWSA campus
Black and white photograph of the flooded NWSA campus during the 1920s.
Black and white photograph of the flooded NWSA campus during the 1920s.

The flooded NWSA campus during the 1920s. Earlier, it had been known to locals as a good duck-hunting grounds.

Northwest Research and Outreach Center
Participants in NWSA Dedication Day
Black and white photograph of a translator with three Ojibwe men. The Ojibwe leader Miskogwan (Red Feather) stands on the far right. Northwest School of Agriculture Dedication Day, October 5, 1920.
Black and white photograph of a translator with three Ojibwe men. The Ojibwe leader Miskogwan (Red Feather) stands on the far right. Northwest School of Agriculture Dedication Day, October 5, 1920.

Three Ojibwe men with a translator. The Ojibwe leader Miskogwan (Red Feather) stands on the far right. Northwest School of Agriculture Dedication Day, October 5, 1920.

Northwest Research and Outreach Center
Retta Bede teaches a cooking class
Black and white photograph of Retta Bede with students during a home-cooking class, 1930s.
Black and white photograph of Retta Bede with students during a home-cooking class, 1930s.

Retta Bede with students during a home-cooking class, 1930s.

Polk County Historical Society
Swimming pool in Physical Education Building
Black and white photograph of the NWSA swimming pool, 1932.
Black and white photograph of the NWSA swimming pool, 1932.

The NWSA swimming pool was sixty feet long and twenty-four feet wide, 1932. The water level on the springboard end was nine feet and the shallow end four-and-a-half feet.

Polk County Historical Society
NWSA library
Black and white photograph of the Northwest School of Agriculture library, 1933.
Black and white photograph of the Northwest School of Agriculture library, 1933.

Northwest School of Agriculture library, 1933.

Polk County Historical Society
Project display on Parents’ Day
Black and white photograph of Home Economic projects displayed on Parents’ Day, November 1934.
Black and white photograph of Home Economic projects displayed on Parents’ Day, November 1934.

Home Economic projects displayed on Parents’ Day, November 1934. Displays showcased canned goods, preserves, sewing; pure seed production; farm tractor cost records; weed identification techniques; and farm and garden produce.

Polk County Historical Society
Mural in Kiehle Hall
Color image of panels of a mural in Kiehle Hall, ca. 2017.
Color image of panels of a mural in Kiehle Hall, ca. 2017.

Panels of a mural in Kiehle Hall, ca. 2017.

Polk County Historical Society

Turning Point

The Northwest School of Agriculture opens in 1905 with thirty-one high school students.



Great Northern Railroad baron James J. Hill donates 476 acres to Crookston’s Northwest Experiment Station. Superintendent Torger A. Hoverstad hopes that in ten years there will be an agricultural high school built on the site for the area’s farm families.


Minnesota State Senator A. D. Stephens appropriates $15,000 for the first school building on the new campus, to include classrooms, a library, an office, a dining hall, and a dormitory.


Bede Hall for Home Economics is completed at a cost of $15,000. The first thirty-one students attend the Northwest School of Agriculture.

September 17, 1908

James J. Hill gives a speech on the NWSA campus when Stephens Hall is dedicated and is celebrated in Crookston during “Hill Day.”

December 1910

The NWSA holds the first Annual Farmer’s Week and Women’s Meeting along with the Red River Valley Winter Shows.


An architecture firm designs a new campus layout stressing the importance of relocating buildings to the east side of campus, where the Selvig, McCall, and Hill buildings are eventually built. The layout includes a circular drive around a large mall.


The Red River Valley Winter Shows attract visitors with crops and livestock expositions. Farming organizations focus on different topics, such as Red River Valley dairymen, crops and soils, Northern Minnesota poultry, and Red River Valley livestock.

December 19, 1917

Two drill companies form on the NWSA campus and Patriotic Day is observed, with the dominant theme of “save, serve and sacrifice.”

October 5, 1920

On Dedication Day, a memorial honoring soldiers and sailors is unveiled. Alumni, faculty, and friends raise $2,200 for the granite monument, which displays an honor roll of 163 names on a bronze plaque.


A “Pageant of Prosperity” is performed on the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Red River Valley Dairyman’s Association. Two hundred people participate in the play, which relates to Red River Valley history and agriculture.


NWSA school enrollment reaches an all-time high of 228 students. Women’s camps, held annually in June, begin, and 200 women attend.


Superintendent Selvig resigns his position at NWSA to become a newly elected member of the U.S. Congress representing northwest Minnesota agriculture. He is succeeded by Austin A. Dowell.


A new auditorium is created from the existing second-floor gym in the Kiehle Building. The building’s first-floor library expands.


The NWSA’s class of 1932, whose advisor is Superintendent Dowell, raises funds and arranges to have the new auditorium painted with a mural. One is titled “Landing of the Norsemen on the North American continent” and the other “Old Crossing Tree Treaty.”


Although the Depression is over, the Red River Valley breaks records for heat, cold, and drought. For the first seven months of the year, the thermometer remains below zero for forty-five consecutive days. A January reading measures 51 degrees below zero.