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Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop, Ranier

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Exterior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop

Exterior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop in Ranier. Rainy Lake is visible in the background. Photograph by Marjorie Savage, September 21, 2017.

George Finstad repaired and maintained boats for fishermen, residents, and vacationers for more than fifty years at his auto-marine shop on the south shore of Rainy Lake. In 2020, it stands as a reminder of the transportation history and tourist economy of Ranier, Minnesota, as they developed during the early twentieth century.

The gable-roofed, concrete-block building was constructed in 1911 by Jim DiOnne, a gunmaker and automobile dealer. Double doors at the front of the building allowed cars to be pulled inside for repairs. At the back of the building, another set of double doors provided access from the lake. The shop featured a belt-driven central machinery system that ran a drill, lathe, and other equipment. Living quarters were on the second floor.

In 1922, DiOnne hired George Finstad, a World War I veteran and native of Buyck, Minnesota. Under DiOnne’s guidance, Finstad fine-tuned his machinist and mechanical skills for two years before buying the business in partnership with his brother. He later bought out his brother's share. He discontinued the shop’s work on guns and autos to focus on maintaining recreational and commercial fishing boats, as well as selling and repairing boat motors and parts. George’s wife, Clara, handled the shop’s bookkeeping.

In the years following World War I, outdoor recreation was becoming increasingly popular and accessible. As Minnesota’s transportation systems improved and automobiles became more reliable and affordable, wilderness campers and fishermen arrived in Ranier by car or on the Duluth, Winnipeg, and Pacific Railway. They launched their boats and canoes from the town dock and headed to campsites on the islands and peninsulas scattered throughout American and Canadian waters. In lakes dotted with rocks and strewn with fallen logs, damage to boats and motors was a constant hazard. Finstad’s lakeside shop offered convenient, reliable service.

Rainy Lake became a fashionable destination in the 1920s and 30s as a summer escape from the heat and smog of industrial cities across the Midwest. A number of wealthy tycoons built imposing homes on the lake’s islands. The social scene included Minneapolis grain moguls from the Pillsbury and Bell families; William Hapgood, owner of an Indiana cannery; and Major Horace Roberts, president of the Gordon Van Tine Company in Davenport, Iowa, manufacturer of prefabricated homes. Finstad tended to their Chris-Crafts, Hacker-Crafts, and Gar Woods, the wooden speed boats of the era. Larger yachts also sailed Rainy Lake, including the James Ford Bell family’s forty-four-foot cruiser, the Loafden, and Major Roberts’ fifty-foot Virginia.

The arrival of any new yacht was a civic spectacle in Ranier, with crowds gathering at Finstad’s shop to watch the launch. Boats arrived by truck or train, packed in custom-made cradles that protected them during shipping. Finstad loaded the yachts onto his “marine railroad,” a track that shuttled the boats down a two-block slope into Rainy Lake.

Each fall, Finstad used the marine railway to pull the yachts out of the water. He wrapped them with canvas tarps and stored them on the cradles that had protected them during shipping. Over the winter he repaired, resealed, and readied the boats for relaunching in the spring.

Rainy Lake’s summer population was lively throughout the 1920s and 30s, but during World War II, the lake grew quiet. Finstad spent the war years maintaining and repairing equipment at the papermill in nearby International Falls.

Following the war, Rainy Lake’s wealthy families gradually withdrew from their summer homes. Outhouses and lake-drawn water systems seemed uncomfortably rustic in a prosperous convenience society. Many of the elegant yachts were sold or transported to lakes closer to the Twin Cities or permanent moors in southern states. The Virginia and the Loafden were both moved to Lake Minnetonka.

Aluminum and fiberglass boats and canoes gained popularity in the post-war years. The new boats were less expensive and easier to transport and store at home than wooden boats. Although Finstad’s winter storage business declined, his Johnson Outboard Motors franchise covered a large territory between Rainy Lake and Kabetogama and provided a steady income. He continued selling and repairing motors and fixing boats until his death in 1975. Clara kept the shop running until 1992. The building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.

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Cordell, H. Ken, John C. Bergstrom, Lawrence A. Hartmann, and Donald B. K. English. “An Analysis of the Outdoor Recreation and Wilderness Situation in the United States: 1989–2040.” United States Department of Agriculture, April 1990.

Finstad, Joanne. Personal interviews with the author, September 20, 2017, and July 10, 2019.

Gimmestad, Dennis. “Finstad’s Auto Marine Shop.” National Register of Historic Places nomination form, December 1982. National Park Service, US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC.

Jensen, Clayne R., and Steven P. Guthrie. Outdoor Recreation in America. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2006.

Minnesota Department of Transportation. “A Brief History of MnDOT.”

Neuzil, Mark, and Norman Sims. “Excerpt: How Aluminum Revolutionized the Canoe.” Gear Junkie, December 26, 2016.

Young, Victoria M. “Finstad’s Auto Marine Shop.” SAH Archipedia (Society of Architectural Historians), 2010.

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Exterior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
Exterior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
Exterior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop

Exterior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop in Ranier. Rainy Lake is visible in the background. Photograph by Marjorie Savage, September 21, 2017.

The Virginia
The Virginia
The Virginia

George Finstad and the Virginia, 1928. Original description: “The water was so low this spring we had a hard time getting some of the boats in. This is Major Roberts' cruiser, the Virginia. The steam alligator is pulling one way and the hoist engine is trying to get the cradle from underneath it away. Notice the cable from the hoist engine and George [Finstad] has just been down to the lake to see if everything is ok. He runs this track every time he pulls out boats." Used with the permission of Koochiching Historical Society.

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Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop

George Finstad laying track and building the first carriage for pulling out boats from Rainy Lake at Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop in Ranier, ca. 1920s. Used with the permission of Koochiching Historical Society.

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George Finstad and the Eva
George Finstad and the Eva
George Finstad and the Eva

George Finstad (foreground) pulling the Eva (background) out of Rainy Lake, ca. 1930s. Used with the permission of Koochiching Historical Society.

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Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop

Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop, ca. 1930s. Used with the permission of Koochiching Historical Society.

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George Finstad in the boat yard at Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
George Finstad in the boat yard at Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
George Finstad in the boat yard at Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop

George Finstad in the boat yard at Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop, ca. 1950. Finstad stands next to a single-cylinder engine hoist. "Cradles," visible in the background, were used for winter storage of cabin-cruiser boats. Used with the permission of Koochiching County Historical Society.

Koochiching Historical Society
Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop sign
Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop sign
Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop sign

The sign outside Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop, September 21, 2017. Photograph by Marjorie Savage.

Interior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
Interior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop
Interior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop

The interior of Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop, September 22, 2017. Photograph by Marjorie Savage.


Turning Point

When World War II ends in 1945, companies building small boats and canoes begin experimenting with techniques and materials that had first been used for wartime aircraft and ships. Heavy wooden hulls are replaced by lighter aluminum, making watercraft less expensive and easier to maintain; at the same time, the Minnesota Department of Highways improves local roads. As a result, demand for boat storage and maintenance at shops like Finstad’s declines.



Jim DiOnne builds a shop on the shore of Rainy Lake to house his machinist, gunmaking, and REO Motor Car sales-and-repairs business.


DiOnne hires George Finstad, a native of Buyck, Minnesota, to work as a machinist.


Finstad purchases the business and focuses on boat service and repairs. He names it Finstad’s Auto-Marine Shop.


Finstad marries Clara Elizabeth Bloom, a former country school teacher. The couple lives in the shop’s apartment upstairs, and Clara serves as bookkeeper.


The auto-marine shop is awarded a franchise for Johnson Outboard Motors.


Finstad is hired by the Minnesota and Ontario Paper Company during World War II to repair and maintain its mill’s equipment.


Clara continues running the business after George’s death.


The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places in recognition of its role in the transportation and economic impact of the area, as well as its unique belt-driven machinery system.


Clara Finstad closes the shop.