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Minnesota Governor’s Residence

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Front view of the governor’s residence

Front view of the governor’s residence with security gate. Photograph by Peter J. Sieger, September 2, 2009. Used with the permission of Peter J. Sieger.

Minnesota’s governors did not have an official residence until 1965, when the daughters of lumber magnate Horace Irvine donated their family home to the state. Over the years, the house on Summit Avenue has provided Minnesota’s First Families with a comfortable home and has served as a ceremonial building for visiting dignitaries and the public alike, though not without controversy.

The effort to provide Minnesota’s governors with an official residence began in the 1940s, when the tax-forfeited home of Oliver Crosby, inventor and founder of American Hoist and Derrick, was repeatedly offered to the state. The legislature ultimately refused. Its members believed that the public would resent the governor living in such luxury during the post-World War II housing shortage. Rural legislators especially opposed the idea of an official residence.

The Minnesota governor’s residence at 1006 Summit Avenue in St. Paul began as the home of the Horace Irvine family. Irvine purchased the lot in 1910 for $7,000 and hired architect William Channing Whitney to design the approximately 16,000-square-foot Tudor-style house. When completed, the house cost $50,000. The Irvines took up residence in 1912.

Following the deaths of their parents, daughters Olivia Irvine Dodge and Clotilde (Coco) Irvine Moles deeded to the state of Minnesota on August 31, 1965. Governor Karl Rolvaag and family moved into the home on October 1. A mad scramble ensued to furnish the home in anticipation of a reception for their first state guest, Crown Prince Harald of Norway, just four days later.

Each successive governor’s family has added its own touches to the residence. In 1969, First Lady Iantha LeVander (wife of Governor Harold LeVander) formed a committee of women to raise funds for a sculpture for a Vietnam Memorial Garden on the property. The committee held a competition for the artwork with a budget of no more than $10,000. It awarded the $5,000 prize to Paul Granlund for his sculpture Man-Nam. The finished piece, dedicated on September 27 the following year, remains a prominent feature on the grounds.

Governor Wendell Anderson and First Lady Mary Anderson remodeled the third floor into a family kitchen. Gretchen Quie established a First Lady’s portrait gallery in the lower level conference room. Governor Arne Carlson and First Lady Susan Carlson added a Peace Officers Memorial plaque in 1997 in honor of Timothy Bowe, a state trooper killed in the line of duty after leaving the governor’s security staff.

Open houses and public tours at the residence have become popular events. The Andersons welcomed 11,000 people at the first open house, held on July 4, 1973. The Quies held drawings with the winners given the opportunity to spend a night at the residence with the governor’s family.

The state legislature established the Governor’s Residence Council in 1980 to oversee the maintenance of the residence. The council includes both private citizens and state officials. To assist with raising funds in support of maintaining and furnishing the building, First Lady Gretchen Quie founded the 1006 Summit Avenue Society in 1982.

The state-owned property at 1006 Summit Avenue has not escaped controversy. Some Minnesotans have criticized the perceived “lavish lifestyle” of the governors’ families. In 1989, First Lady Lola Perpich went on the defensive by suggesting that the state sell the house and give the proceeds to the poor. In 2001, Governor Jesse Ventura asked the legislature for $4 million to either restore the residence or demolish it to make way for a new residence. The estimated value of the property at that time was $3.5 million. Governor Ventura closed the residence in April the following year after the legislature cut $175,000 from his personal security budget.

The residence operates with a full-time residence manager, assistant manager, housekeeper, chef, and groundskeeper, all appointed by the governor. The property is protected by a twenty-four hour security detail.

Over the years, the governor’s residence has hosted a wide range of visitors, including aviator Charles Lindbergh, Soviet official Mikhail Gorbachev, the families of Minnesota’s military men and women, and members of Minnesota’s sports teams.

The Irvine house celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2012. To mark the event, the 1006 Summit Avenue Society and Governor’s Residence Council co-sponsored public tours throughout the summer.

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1006 Summit Avenue Society.

Baker, Patricia D. The Governor's Residence. St. Paul: Macalester College, 1980.

"Calendar of Events: Etc." Minneapolis Star, December 11, 1980

Coffman, Jack B. "Power-line Foes Support Science Court Idea." Minneapolis Tribune, November 20, 1977.

Christensen, Trilby Busch. “Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth.” Twin Cities, July 1982.

Governor's Residence Plans, 1910–1911, ca. 1966–1991
Governor's Residence Council
Minnesota State Archives Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Description: Plans, elevations, details, and ground plans for the Governor's Residence at 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul.

"Inside the Minnesota Governor's Residence." YouTube video, 6:01. Posted by AdminMinnesota, June 19, 2013.

148.H.14.4F Box 3-C
Karl F. Rolvaag Papers, 1921–1991
State Archives Collection, Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul
Description: Correspondence, political files, subject files, personal files, news clippings, print materials, photographs, and other materials of Minnesota Governor Karl F. Rolvaag.

McGrath, Dennis J. and Betty Wilson. “Shoes Shining, State Puts Best Foot Forward." Minneapolis Star Tribune, June 3, 1990.

Minnesota's Governor's Residence.

Minnesota Governor's Residence: A Century of Hospitality. St. Paul: 1006 Summit Avenue Society, 2013.

Morris, Margaret. "About People." Minneapolis Tribune, September 28, 1965.

——— . "About People." Minneapolis Tribune, October 5, 1965.

——— . "About People." Minneapolis Tribune, February 8, 1966.

——— . "About People." Minneapolis Tribune, April 23, 1969.

Minnesota Legislature. Laws of Minnesota, 1965. Chapter 684 – House File No. 1676.

"War Memorial Unveiled at Governor's Residence." Minneapolis Tribune, September 28, 1970.

Whereatt, Robert. "Mansion Request May Not Find Welcome Mat." Minneapolis Star Tribune, January 26, 2001.

Wilson, Betty and Ingrid Sundstrom. "Lola Perpich Strikes Back: 'Sell Mansion' is Her Reply to Critics." Minneapolis Tribune, December 8, 1989.

"Work Stepped Up on State Mansion." Minneapolis Tribune, October 1, 1965.

Related Images

Front view of the governor’s residence
Front view of the governor’s residence
Front view of the governor’s residence

Front view of the governor’s residence with security gate. Photograph by Peter J. Sieger, September 2, 2009. Used with the permission of Peter J. Sieger.

Rear view of the Irvine residence
Rear view of the Irvine residence
Rear view of the Irvine residence

Rear view of the Irvine residence, 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, ca. 1910.

Minnesota Historical Society
Clotilde M. Irvine and her children
Clotilde M. Irvine and her children
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Clotilde M. Irvine (Mrs. Horace H.) with her children, Elizabeth, Thomas, and Clotilde, 1917.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Interior of 1006 Summit Avenue (the Irvine residence)
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Interior of 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, during the Irvine family's occupation, ca. 1920.

Minnesota Historical Society
Interior of 1006 Summit Avenue
Interior of 1006 Summit Avenue
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Interior of 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, during the Irvine family's occupation, ca. 1920.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Horace H. Irvine
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Horace H. Irvine, ca. 1934. Photo by Benjamin C. Golling.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Governor's residence, 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, 1965. Photo by the St. Paul Dispatch.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Aerial view of the governor's residence, 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, ca. 1970.

Minnesota Historical Society
“Man-Nam” (sculpture by Paul T. Granlund)
“Man-Nam” (sculpture by Paul T. Granlund)
“Man-Nam” (sculpture by Paul T. Granlund)

"Man-Nam," a sculpture by Paul T. Granlund on the grounds of the Minnesota governor's residence, 1974.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Drawing room, governor's residence, 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, 1979. Photo by Elizabeth M. Hall.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota Historical Society
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Front foyer, stairway, second floor landing and front entrance of governor's residence at 1006 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, 1979. Photo by Elizabeth M. Hall.

Minnesota Historical Society
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Minnesota Historical Society
Backyard of the Minnesota governor’s mansion
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Backyard of the Minnesota governor’s mansion

View of the backyard of the Minnesota governor’s mansion, with pavilion tent and fountain. Used with the permission of Peter J. Sieger.

Minnesota Historical Society

Turning Point

After several failed attempts to establish an official governor’s residence, the Minnesota state legislature accepts the offer of the Horace Irvine home on Summit Avenue in 1965.



Horace Irvine purchases the lot at 1006 Summit Avenue in St. Paul for $7,000 and engages architect William Channing Whitney to design the family's new residence.


The Irvine family moves into their new 16,000-foot red brick home at 1006 Summit Avenue.


The legislature debates a bill to accept Stonebridge, a mansion built by Oliver Crosby, as the governor’s residence. The bill is defeated due to concerns over the post-war housing shortage, opposition by legislators, and lack of interest in preservation.


The daughters of Horace and Clotilde Irvine, Olivia Dodge and Clotilde (Coco) Moles, deed the home over to the state of Minnesota on August 31.


Governor Rolvaag and First Lady Florence Rolvaag host the first official state event at the residence for Crown Prince Harald of Norway on October 5.


A half-lot next door to the governor's residence is purchased by the Alice M. O'Brien Foundation and donated to the state for conversion to a parking lot for 1006 Summit Avenue.


On July 4, Governor Wendell Anderson and First Lady Mary Anderson host the first open house event at the residence, attended by nearly 11,000 people.


1006 Summit Avenue is added to the National Register of Historic Places in December.


The residence is placed on the Historic Sites Register for St. Paul in July.


The Governor's Residence Council is established by the state legislature to oversee the maintenance of the property. It consists of fifteen members, including both private citizens and public officials.


First Lady Gretchen Quie founds the 1006 Summit Avenue Society to raise money to support home maintenance, furnishing, and other projects.


The Perpich family hosts a lunch for Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife, Raisa, at the residence during the Gorbachevs’ seven-hour visit to the Twin Cities on June 3..


Governor Jesse Ventura closes the governor's residence in April after the legislature cuts his personal security budget by $175,000.


The 1006 Summit Avenue Society and Governor's Residence Council co-sponsor a 100th anniversary celebration at the residence during the summer months with public tours.