Cycling routes around the Twin Cities

Cycling routes around the Twin Cities

Cycling routes around the Twin Cities. Map created in 1899 by the St. Paul Cycle Path Association. Original available at the Minnesota Historical Society library as G4144 .T89E63 1899 .S75 2F.

Cyclone damage, Rochester.

Cyclone damage, Rochester.

Cyclone damage, Rochester. Stereograph by Charles E. Tenney, August 21, 1883.

Czech folk dancers at the 1934 St. Paul Folk Festival

Czech folk dancers at the 1934 St. Paul Folk Festival

Czech folk dancers at the 1934 St. Paul Folk Festival (a forerunner of the Festival of Nations) held in the St. Paul Civic Auditorium, April 27‒29, 1934. Pictured are (left to right) Mrs. Albert Buzicky, Mrs. John Manavec, Mrs. John Pilney, Mrs. Albert Smolik, Mrs. Otto Swoboda, and Mrs. Frank Vanek. Photograph by Ambassador Atelier, Inc.

D.M. Clough campaign ribbon

D.M. Clough campaign ribbon

"For Governor, D.M. Clough" campaign ribbon.

Picture of the Dacotah Building

Dacotah Building

The Dacotah Building, 366–378 Selby Avenue, St. Paul. Photograph by David Kopacz, 2013. Used with the permission of David Kopacz.

Photograph of Dacotah Building, 1978

Dacotah Building

The Dacotah Building at 366–378 Selby Avenue, St. Paul. Photograph by Alan Ominsky, 1978.

Photograph of Dacotah Building front façade

Dacotah Building front façade

Close-up view of the front façade of the Dacotah Building at 366–378 Selby Avenue, St. Paul. Photograph by Alan Ominsky, 1978.

Photograph of Dacotah Building viewed from the north side of Selby Avenue

Dacotah Building viewed from the north side of Selby Avenue

Description: The Dacotah Building (366–378 Selby Avenue, St. Paul) viewed from the north side of Selby Avenue. Photograph by Charles W. Nelson, March 1976.

Black and white daguerreotype of Sarah Jane Steele Sibley, wife of Henry H. Sibley, c.1848.

Daguerreotype of Sarah Jane Steele Sibley

Daguerreotype of Sarah Jane Steele Sibley, wife of Henry H. Sibley, c.1848.

Black and white scane of a daily CCC camp schedule from Handbook of instruction for enrollees, 1939.

Daily CCC camp schedule

Daily CCC camp schedule from Handbook of instruction for enrollees, 1939.


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