Anti-power-line button made by Continental Press Inc. of St. Cloud, ca. 1975–1987.

Anti-power-line button

Anti-power-line button made by Continental Press Inc. of St. Cloud, ca. 1975–1987.

Anti-power-line rally poster

Anti-powerline rally poster

A poster advertising an anti-power-line march (1978). Used with the permission of the Pope County Historical Society.

Anti-Saloon League button

Anti-Saloon League 16th National Convention delegate button with attached ribbons. The button's face reads: "16th National convention. Anti-Saloon League of America. Atlantic City, July 6-9, 1915. / A Stainless Flag / A Saloonless Country".

Anti-smoking bumper sticker produced by the Community Prevention Coalition of Hennepin County

Anti-smoking bumper sticker produced by the Community Prevention Coalition of Hennepin County

Anti-smoking bumper sticker produced by the anti-substance-abuse Community Prevention Coalition of Hennepin County, ca. 1993. The camel is an allusion to Joe Camel, a cartoon character used in marketing Camel cigarettes made by the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown, April 11, 1967. Photograph by St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown, April 11, 1967. Photograph by St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown

Anti-Vietnam War demonstration in Dinkytown

Anti-Vietnam demonstration in Dinkytown, April 11, 1967. Photograph by St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press.

Color image of anti-war delegates oppose Humphrey’s nomination at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.

Anti-war delegates opposing Humphrey’s nomination

Anti-war delegates oppose Humphrey’s nomination at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago.

Color image of an anti-war march held in Chicago just before the Democratic National Convention, August 10, 1968.

Anti-war march

Anti-war march held in Chicago just before the Democratic National Convention, August 10, 1968.

Anti-Wendell Anderson bumper sticker

Anti-Wendell Anderson bumper sticker

Bumper sticker (ca. 1970) dismissing gubernatorial candidate Wendell Anderson as “Spendy Wendy.” Anderson campaigned on a platform of tax reform and increased spending on education.


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