Lawrence Vizenor in his military uniform, ca. 1918. Printed in Daniel Nelson’s Becker County, Minnesota, in the World War, 1917-1918-1919 (Detroit Lakes, MN: Nelson, [1920?]).
Excerpt of a lawyer’s deposition of Bruce Brockway conducted on August 27, 1982. Brockway was a person of interest in a murder case. In the clip, Brockway discusses his AIDS diagnosis and state of health. Used with the permission of Alan Lessik.
Former Minnesota Governor Alexander Ramsey sets in place the cornerstone of the third Minnesota State Capitol at a ceremony held at the construction site on July 27, 1898. Photograph by Haas Brothers.
Two fragments make up a lead toy soldier that is flat, almost two dimensional. One small piece has broken off, but the fragments form an otherwise complete object. The soldier is wearing a large hat and a coat with tails and is holding a firearm—possibly a musket—perpendicular to his body and leaning on his shoulder. This toy was found during the excavation of the hospital building at Historic Fort Snelling in 1974.