Henrik Shipstead speaking

Henrik Shipstead speaking

Shipstead speaking, ca. 1930.

Henrik Shipstead with Floyd B. Olson

Henrik Shipstead with Floyd B. Olson

Shipstead seated next to Governor Floyd B. Olson, ca. 1931.

Henrik Shipstead with freshman senators.

Shipstead with fellow progressive, freshman senators Brookhard, Wheeler, and Frazier at the Capitol in Washington, 1922; Shipstead is second from right.

Henrik Shipstead with Magnus Johnson

Henrik Shipstead with Magnus Johnson

Shipstead with Magnus Johnson, ca. 1923.

Henrik Shipstead, Wendell Willkie, and Harold Stassen

Henrik Shipstead, Wendell Willkie, and Harold Stassen

Shipstead, Willkie, and Stassen speak during Willkie’s campaign visit to Minnesota, October 1940.

Henrik Shipstead’s house in Alexandria

Henrik Shipstead’s house in Alexandria

Shipstead’s house in Alexandria, Minnesota, ca. 1963.

Henry A. Castle

Henry A. Castle

Henry A. Castle, 1888. Photograph by Thomas M. Swem.

Black and white photograph of Henry Alexander's Children, c.1915.

Henry Alexander's Children

Henry Alexander Children L. to R., Bill, John, Marion, Isabel in Rockville, Minnesota. c.1915.

Henry Brown Blackwell

Henry Brown Blackwell

Henry Brown Blackwell (1825–1909). [undated]

Portrait of Henry D. O'Brien, First Lieutenant, First Battalion, Minnesota Infantry Volunteers

Henry D. O'Brien, First Lieutenant, First Battalion, Minnesota Infantry Volunteers

Henry D. O'Brien, First Lieutenant, First Battalion, Minnesota Infantry Volunteers, 1864. Photograph by Fredricks and Company.


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