Black and white photograph of Klingensmith, ca. 1930.

Florence Klingensmith

Klingensmith, ca. 1930.

Black and white photograph of Klingensmith, second from left, at the National Air Races, at which she won the Amelia Earhart Trophy, 1932.

Florence Klingensmith at the 1932 National Air Races

Klingensmith, second from left, at the National Air Races, at which she won the Amelia Earhart Trophy, 1932.

Black and white photograph of Klingensmith before her first flight, 1928.

Florence Klingensmith before her first flight

Klingensmith before her first flight, 1928.

Black and white photograph of Florence Klingensmith, ca. 1930.

Florence Klingensmith in a photography studio

Klingensmith poses in a photography studio, ca. 1930. She signed the print for her cousin Merle (Nelson) Arnold, with whom she grew up in the Oak Mound neighborhood of Oakport Township, Minnesota.

Black and white photograph of Klingensmith with one of her aircraft, a Waco biplane, ca. 1930.

Florence Klingensmith with her Waco biplane

Klingensmith with one of her aircraft, a Waco biplane, ca. 1930.

Black and white photograph of place wreckage from Florence Klingensmith’s fatal crash, 1933.

Florence Klingensmith’s 1933 crash

Wreckage of the Bee Gee Model Y Senior Sportster Klingensmith flew and crashed during the Phillip Tracy Race at the Chicago Air Races, 1933. The identification number on the plane, NR718Y, is just visible.

Black and white photograph of Florence Klingensmith’s Bee Gee airplane, 1933.

Florence Klingensmith’s Bee Gee airplane

Klingensmith’s Bee Gee Model Y Senior Sportster prior to the National Air Races in Chicago and her crash during the Phillip Tracy Trophy Race, 1933. The plane’s identification number, NR718Z, marks it as Klingensmith’s.

Black and white publicity photograph of Florence Macbeth taken on June 24, 1913.

Florence Macbeth

Publicity photograph of Florence Macbeth taken on June 24, 1913.

Promotional pamphlet featuring photographs of Florence Macbeth and excerpts from positive reviews of her singing performances.

Florence Macbeth promotional pamphlet

Promotional pamphlet featuring photographs of Florence Macbeth and excerpts from positive reviews of her singing performances. Image reproduced with permission by Heritage Protocol & University Archives, Florida State University Libraries.

Black and white photograph of Florence Macbeth taken c.1915-1920.

Florence Macbeth seated at piano

Photograph of Florence Macbeth taken c.1915–1920.


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