Paintings by Anton Gág, Christian Heller, and Schwendinger in the interior of the Cathedral of Holy Trinity in New Ulm

Paintings by Anton Gág, Christian Heller, and Alexander Schwendinger in the interior of the Cathedral of Holy Trinity in New Ulm

Carte-de-visite featuring paintings by Anton Gág, Christian Heller, and Alexander Schwendinger in the interior of the Cathedral of Holy Trinity in New Ulm, ca. 1903.

Black and white photograph of paintings by Clement Haupers on exhibit, c.1940.

Paintings by Clement Haupers on exhibit

Paintings by Clement Haupers on exhibit, c.1940.

Color image of a pair of bloomers, ca. pre-1927.

Pair of bloomers

Pair of bloomers, ca. pre-1927. Students wore bloomers like these for physical education and other athletic endeavors. These bloomers are held in the archives of the Blake School, the successor school to Graham Hall. Used with the permission of the Blake School Archives.

Color image of a pair of Metrodome row seats, in use from 1982–2013.

Pair of Metrodome row seats

Pair of Metrodome row seats, in use from 1982–2013.

View of exterior of Paisley Park

Paisley Park

View of exterior of Paisley Park, 2014. Photograph by Molly Huber.

View of front of Paisley Park Studios

Paisley Park

View of the front of Paisley Park Studios, 2014. Photograph by Molly Huber.

Black and white photograph of the Palm Dome interior, 1918.

Palm Dome interior

Palm Dome interior, 1918.

Pamana Dance Troupe

Pamana Dance Troupe

Pamana Dance Troupe, September 10, 2016. Photograph by Ed Santos. Used with the permission of the Cultural Society of Filipino Americans of Minnesota.

Pan Car, Pan Motor Company, St. Cloud, 1918

Pan Car, Pan Motor Company, St. Cloud

Outdoor shot of a Model 250 Pan Car along 33rd Avenue North, in front of the main plant of the Pan Motor Company, with three men standing behind the auto, 1918.

Pan Motor Company barbeque, St. Cloud, July 4, 1917

Pan Motor Company barbeque, St. Cloud

Outdoor shot of a Pan Car on a platform, with three men standing next to it and crowds all around it,1917.


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