Black and white photograph of National Guardsmen patrolling Plymouth Avenue in North Minneapolis, July 1967.

Civilians and National Guardsmen on Plymouth Avenue

Civilians and National Guardsmen on Plymouth Avenue in North Minneapolis, July 1967.

Freedom Rider Claire O’Connor photographed after her arrest by the Jackson Police Department in Jackson, Mississippi on July 11, 1961.

Claire O’Connor

Freedom Rider Claire O’Connor photographed after her arrest by the Jackson Police Department in Jackson, Mississippi on July 11, 1961.

Clara Baldwin

Clara Baldwin

Clara Baldwin, director of the Library Division of the state Department of Education, 1935.

Black and white photograph of Clara Bannister Congdon, 1914.

Clara Bannister Congdon

Clara Bannister Congdon, 1914.

Clara Barton Club ice cream social

Clara Barton Club ice cream social

Ice cream social organized by the Clara Barton Club and held during Westbrook's Hospital Days. From the Sentinel Tribune (Westbrook), 1978.

Black and white photograph of Mary Vattendahl, left, presents the 1966 Woman of Achievement award to Clara Berg (center) as Bergetta Logen, a long-time Crookston resident and the BPWC’s fourth president (right) looks on, 1966.

Clara Berg, winner of the Woman of Achievement award

Mary Vattendahl, left, presents the 1966 Woman of Achievement award to Clara Berg (center) as Bergetta Logen, a long-time Crookston resident and the BPWC’s fourth president (right) looks on, 1966.

Black and white photograph of Clara H. Ueland, 1918.

Clara H. Ueland

Clara H. Ueland, 1918.

Black and white photograph of Clara Mairs, c.1930.

Clara Mairs

Clara Mairs, c.1930.

Black and white photograph of artist and Nimbus Club regular Clara Mairs, c.1925.

Clara Mairs

Artist and Nimbus Club regular Clara Mairs, c.1925.

Clara Ueland

Clara Ueland

Clara Ueland, organizer of the 1914 parade and president of the MWSA, c.1921


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