Black and white photograph of the garden of the Bradstreet House, 327 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, ca. 1918.

Garden of the Bradstreet House

The garden of the Bradstreet House, 327 South Seventh Street, Minneapolis, ca. 1918.

Color image of a Garden-in-a-box, 2016.


Garden-in-a-Box, 2016.

Black and white photograph of students in a gardening class tend a field in Pipestone County, c.1918.

Gardening class in Pipestone County

Students in a gardening class tend a field in Pipestone County, c.1918.

Minnesota State Horticultural Society, Gardening Help Brochure, 1979.

Gardening help brochure

Minnesota State Horticultural Society, gardening help brochure, 1979.

Garfield Post No. 8, Grand Army of the Republic

Garfield Post No. 8, Grand Army of the Republic

Members of Garfield Post No. 8, Grand Army of the Republic, ca. 1910.

A Prairie Home Companion’s founder and longtime host, Garrison Keillor. Photograph by Prairie Home Productions, 2009.

Garrison Keillor

A Prairie Home Companion’s founder and longtime host, Garrison Keillor. Photograph by Prairie Home Productions, 2009.

Garrison Keillor reviews a Prairie Home Companion script before a live show at Macalester College, 2015.

Garrison Keillor reads a script

Garrison Keillor reads a Prairie Home Companion script before a live show at Macalester College, 2015. Photograph by Wikimedia Commons user Jonathunder.

Gate lifters at Gull Lake Dam

Gate lifters at Gull Lake Dam

West-facing view of the gate lifters at Gull Lake Dam, 1968.

Gates at Anoka State Hospital cemetery

Gates at Anoka State Hospital cemetery

A gate and walkway installed at Anoka State Hospital cemetery by Remembering With Dignity. Below, with flowers, is a block with the words, “Remembering With Dignity.” Photograph by Sasha D. Warren, 2019. CC BY-NC 4.0.

Black and white photograph of Gateway Days in Worthington, Minnesota and a turkey parade, 1952. Photograph by Minneapolis Star and Tribune Company.

Gateway Days in Worthington

Gateway Days in Worthington, Minnesota and a turkey parade, 1952. Photograph by Minneapolis Star and Tribune.


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