Color image of a light post as part of décor in gift shop in old city hall, November 2016.

Crookston light post in city hall

Light post as part of décor in gift shop in old city hall, November 2016.

Black and white photograph of the Crookston sawmill as pictured in E. D. Childs album, ca. 1890–1915.

Crookston sawmill

Crookston sawmill as pictured in E. D. Childs album, ca. 1890–1915.

Elmer Uggen’s original words and music for “Crookstonian”, a march song for the city. Includes three pages of music, as well as photos and a history of Crookston.

Crookstonian March Song Sheet Music

Elmer Uggen’s original words and music for “Crookstonian”, a march song for the city. Includes three pages of music, as well as photos and a history of Crookston.

Crops and soils parade on NWSA campus

Livestock walk through the mall area of the NWSA campus during the crops and soils parade, 1910.

Color image of a station of the cross set on travertine (limestone) inside the St. Paul Cathedral. Photographed by Paul Nelson on July 16, 2014.

Cross station

Station of the cross set on travertine (limestone) inside the St. Paul Cathedral. Photographed by Paul Nelson on July 16, 2014.

Cross-country skiing inside Voyageurs National Park

Cross-country skiing inside Voyageurs National Park

Cross-country skiing inside Voyageurs National Park. National Park Service, undated. Public domain.

Cross-section of Stockwood Fill, showing rate of settlement between August 7 and 13, 1907.

Cross-section of Stockwood Fill

Cross-section of Stockwood Fill, showing rate of settlement between August 7 and 13, 1907.

Crowd at Columbus Memorial unveiling

Crowd at the unveiling ceremony of the Christopher Columbus Memorial on the grounds of the Minnesota State Capitol, October 12, 1931.

Crowd at dedication of third Shaynowishkung statue

Crowd at dedication of third Shaynowishkung statue

Crowd at the dedication of the third statue of Shaynowishkung (He Who Rattles, also known as Chief Bemidji), June 6, 2015. Photograph by Red Lake Nation News. Used with the permission of Red Lake Nation News.

Crowd demonstrating in front of the Minneapolis sewing project

Crowd demonstrating in front of the Minneapolis sewing project

Crowd demonstrating in front of the Works Progress Administration sewing project in Minneapolis, 1939.


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