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Ginseng Boom in Rice County, 1858–1859

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Colored Engraving of Ginseng by Jacob Bigelow (1786-1879).[From WikiCommons] "American medical botany being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, containing their botanical history and chemical analysis, and properties and uses in medicine, diet and the arts" by Jacob Bigelow,1786/7-1879. Publication in Boston by Cummings and Hilliard,1817-1820.”

Colored engraving of ginseng by Jacob Bigelow (1786–1879). From Wikimedia Commons: "'American medical botany being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, containing their botanical history and chemical analysis, and properties and uses in medicine, diet and the arts,'" by Jacob Bigelow, 1786/7–1879. Publication in Boston by Cummings and Hilliard, 1817–1820.”

The demand for American ginseng (panax quinquefolius), which grew abundantly in the “Big Woods,” reached its peak in 1859. Following a nationwide economic panic in 1857, and near crop failure for Rice County in 1858, many locals found themselves in dire circumstances. Enticed by ginseng’s profitability and local abundance, settler-colonists were quickly overcome by “ginseng fever,” which led many to dig up as much of the aromatic green root as they could. However, it was not long before excessive exploitation depleted easily accessed ginseng and the rising grain market encouraged farmers to work the land again.

Indigenous people of North America have the longest relationship with American ginseng. Various tribes have used the versatile root in a variety of medicines to treat asthma, body sores, digestive troubles, and fever; to staunch wounds; to increase fertility; and much more. In 1939, Huron Smith documented Ojibwe harvesting practices for ginseng which were sustainable.

Beginning in 1784, ginseng was being exported from the US to China for its medicinal qualities. Found growing in the shade of deciduous trees, like sugar maple and basswood, its fleshy taper root, when dried, is amber colored. The root possesses a sweet taste similar to that of licorice, accompanied by a slight bitterness.

Settler-colonists dubbed the plant “sang,” and those who sought the wild root were “sangers.” The typical tools of the trade were a long narrow-bladed hoe, which could remove a young root in a single stroke, and a gunny sack for collecting. The twenty-inch-tall plant features five ovate leaflets arranged palmately. Ginseng’s particular tinge of green provides easy identification.

For the sanger, the challenges included the hot summer sun, wood ticks, mosquitoes, and, on occasion, becoming lost in the lush forest known as the “Big Woods.” The last sizable remnant of the woods that retains the character of the broadleaf deciduous forest is Nerstrand Big Woods State Park, situated in Rice County.

The considerable appeal of hunting ginseng came from the cash paid for it (hard currency was scarce after the financial crash of 1857). Northfielder Evelyn Sloan Wood (1830–1923) recalled, “So great was the poverty of the old settlers in this vicinity that frequently they did not know where their next meal was to come from.”

Prices soared on food staples such as flour (sold at eleven dollars per barrel); butter (sold at one dollar per pound); and eggs (sold at one dollar per dozen). Considering that a good wage laboring in the fields yielded no more than a dollar per day, foraging for ginseng proved to be a great alternative. On average, buyers paid, in gold or silver, six to eight cents per pound [fresh?] and twenty-five to thirty cents per pound dried. When unearthed, most roots weighed less than several ounces, but older roots could measure half a pound.

When the Minnesota ginseng market opened in the fall of 1858, the search for the commodity was pursued with abandon across the state. One buyer in Faribault reportedly purchased $20,000 worth of ginseng before the season ended. By spring of 1859, word had spread throughout Minnesota about the quick riches gained by grubbing ginseng. Anyone capable of searching, hoeing, or toting a sack of ginseng hurried to the Big Woods.

Multiple stories circulated about how individuals and families were averaging less than five dollars a day while a select few averaged double up to ten dollars a day harvesting ginseng. Frank AnDyke (1855–1941), formerly of Cannon City, recalled his experiences at age four when he father took him into the woods, “I earned seventy-five cents in two days, and I thought I was rich.” A Mr. Whitney, who operated a pay station in Faribault, purchased six tons of ginseng in one week alone in early June.

A month later, on July 16, 1859, The Wabasha County Herald stated that the supply of ginseng in the Big Woods was practically exhausted and demand had fallen off rapidly. By then, approximately 22,000 pounds of the root had been shipped from Faribault, and statewide the number by the end of the year reached 203,000 pounds. Mixed arguments emerged to explain the sharp decline in the market. Some pointed to the rapid and relentless harvesting that depleted naturally growing ginseng while others speculated that massive exports of ginseng to the East had oversaturated the market. In any case, the ginseng cash crop limped through July of 1859 before the market completely bottomed out.

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AnDyke, Frank. “F.M. AnDyke Presents Recollections From Early Pioneer Days in Cannon City Village.” Northfield Independent, February 3, 1938.

“Ginseng.” Centinel of Freedom, June 10, 1859.

Lass, William E. “Ginseng Rush in Minnesota.” Minnesota History 41, no. 6 (Summer 1969): 249–266.

“Minnesota Items.” The Wabashaw County Herald, July 16, 1859.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Wild Ginseng in Minnesota.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Panax quinquefolius.

Morris, Lucy Leavenworth Wilder, ed. “Warren Wakefield-1854.” In Old Rail Fence Corners: The A.B.C.'s of Minnesota History: Authentic Incidents [technically he needs page numbers here…if you can’t find them, just leave it blank]. Austin, MN: F. H. McCulloch, 1914.

Neill, Edward D., & Charles S. Bryant. History of Rice County, Including Explorers and Pioneers of Minnesota and Outline History of the State of Minnesota. Minneapolis: Minnesota Historical Co., 1882.

“State Items.” Stillwater Messenger, June 14, 1859.

Stephenson, Astrid. “The Mysterious Powers of American Ginseng.” Folklife, March 27, 2019.

Stevens, Dr. W. H. “The Ginseng Excitement.” Peninsular and Independent Medical Journal, Devoted to Medicine, Surgery, and Pharmacy 8 (September 1859): 315–316.

“The Ginseng Trade.” Grant County Witness (Lancaster, WI), June 16, 1859.

National Plant Data Center. American Ginseng, Plant Guide. US Department of Agriculture.

“Two Hundred Years of U.S. Trade with China (1784-1984)” in Asia for Educators. Columbia University, 2009.

Wood, Esther R. “Historic Northfield.” Northfield Independent, November 20, 1919.

Related Images

Colored Engraving of Ginseng by Jacob Bigelow (1786-1879).[From WikiCommons] "American medical botany being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, containing their botanical history and chemical analysis, and properties and uses in medicine, diet and the arts" by Jacob Bigelow,1786/7-1879. Publication in Boston by Cummings and Hilliard,1817-1820.”
Colored Engraving of Ginseng by Jacob Bigelow (1786-1879).[From WikiCommons] "American medical botany being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, containing their botanical history and chemical analysis, and properties and uses in medicine, diet and the arts" by Jacob Bigelow,1786/7-1879. Publication in Boston by Cummings and Hilliard,1817-1820.”

Colored engraving of ginseng by Jacob Bigelow (1786–1879). From Wikimedia Commons: "'American medical botany being a collection of the native medicinal plants of the United States, containing their botanical history and chemical analysis, and properties and uses in medicine, diet and the arts,'" by Jacob Bigelow, 1786/7–1879. Publication in Boston by Cummings and Hilliard, 1817–1820.”

Wikimedia Commons
"Ginseng Leaving for Philadelphia"
Clipping from the St. Paul Weekly newspaper, June 11, 1859, that mentions people squatting “round the Ginseng Roots in the Big Woods”
Clipping from the St. Paul Weekly newspaper, June 11, 1859, that mentions people squatting “round the Ginseng Roots in the Big Woods”

A clipping from the St. Paul Weekly newspaper, June 11, 1859, that mentions people squatting “round the Ginseng Roots in the Big Woods.”

Minnesota Historical Society
“Everybody is Going for Ginseng”
Clipping from the St. Paul Weekly newspaper, June 11, 1859. This article mentions the number of people who have moved to “around Northfield” to dig Ginseng. It also mentions that “At Faribault sales amount to five or six tons per week.”
Clipping from the St. Paul Weekly newspaper, June 11, 1859. This article mentions the number of people who have moved to “around Northfield” to dig Ginseng. It also mentions that “At Faribault sales amount to five or six tons per week.”

Clipping from the St. Paul Weekly newspaper, June 11, 1859. The article mentions the number of people who have moved to “around Northfield” to dig ginseng. It also mentions that “At Faribault sales amount to five or six tons per week.”

Minnesota Historical Society
"Ginseng Saved a Family Farm in Rice County"
A long article from the The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, June 23, 1859. This article highlights several stories from Rice County including that of a Rice County farmer who had a $700 mortgage on his farm with no foreseeable way to pay it. Then the Ginseng boon broke and, with the help of his wife and two sons, within just a few months they were able to pay the debt entirely
A long article from the The Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, June 23, 1859. This article highlights several stories from Rice County including that of a Rice County farmer who had a $700 mortgage on his farm with no foreseeable way to pay it. Then the Ginseng boon broke and, with the help of his wife and two sons, within just a few months they were able to pay the debt entirely

Article from the Weekly Pioneer and Democrat, June 23, 1859. It highlights several stories from Rice County, including that of a Rice County farmer who had a $700 mortgage on his farm with no foreseeable way to pay it. Then the ginseng boom broke and, with the help of his wife and two sons, within a few months, he was able to pay the debt.

Minnesota Historical Society
Map of ginseng in Minnesota
This map shows where ginseng is found within the state. The data were gathered from Bell Museum Herbarium records.
This map shows where ginseng is found within the state. The data were gathered from Bell Museum Herbarium records.

Map showing where ginseng is found within the state. The data were gathered from the records of the Bell Museum Herbarium.

Minnesota Historical Society

Turning Point

By spring of 1859, word has spread of the quick riches gained by digging ginseng in the Big Woods.


Late 1600s

Dakota people call the forest of present-day southern Minnesota and western Wisconsin “Ċaŋṡoke” (Thick Woods). When the French arrive, they call it “Bois Grand” or “Big Woods.”


Ginseng is first exported from the US to China.


The Treaty of Traverse des Sioux treaty is signed between the US government and Dakota bands in Minnesota Territory.


Minnesota Territory’s population explodes to approximately 150,000 people. In 1853, there had been 40,000 people.


A nationwide financial panic follows after the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company failure in August.


On May 11, Minnesota is admitted as the thirty-second state to the Union of the United States of America.


Crops nearly fail in Rice County.


The Minnesota ginseng market opens in the fall.


“Ginseng fever” sweeps Minnesota. The supply in the Big Woods is exhausted by mid-summer, and prices plummet.


Nerstrand Big Woods State Park is established.


American ginseng is listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).


Because of concerns over its decline, American ginseng is listed as a special concern species in Minnesota.